Our Consultancy
At Synchromind we are SMEs (Subject Matters Experts) in various compliances and other supporting processes for a balanced IT approach in your organisation.
We are located in Netherlands and can be onsite in North or South Holland, or North Brabant. But we can also provide you consultancy on a remote basis.
CTO as a Service
Consultancy (120 -150 euro per hour):
Together with top management define a strategy about the use of ICT in defining and achieving its (short/long-term) objectives
Manage technology budgets and timeframes for the development + deployment of all technological services
Implement capitalisation on the ICT department level
Due diligence
Consultancy (100 -150 euro per hour):
Tech due diligence
Risk due diligence
Cybersecurity due diligence
IP (Intellectual Property) due diligence (see below)
GDPR Compliance
Consultancy (100 -120 euro per hour):
within a product (development, security, DevOps)
within an organisation (HR, marketing)
from ISO 27001 perspective
ePrivacy Directive
Seminars (in person/online):
GDPR awareness (per person - 70 euro)
GDPR compliance roadmap (per person - 120 euro)
Privacy by design and by default (per person - 125 euro)
GDPR game night (50 euro total + costs of the location)
ISO 27001
Consultancy (100 -120 euro per hour):
implementation of an Information Security Management System
maintenance / audit ISMS
project management
gamification of your compliance journey
Seminars (in person/online):
ISO 27001 awareness (per person - 70 euro)
ISO 27001 compliance roadmap (per person - 120 euro)
Security by design and by default (per person - 125 euro)
ITIL 4 Compliance
Consultancy (100 -120 euro per hour):
identify scope and create a roadmap
ITIL roll out project plan
ITIL implementation of different practices
Risk management
Consultancy (100 -120 euro per hour):
ISO 27005 compliance
ISO 31000 compliance
Setup GRC process
gamification of your risk strategy implementation
Seminars (in person/online):
Risk management awareness (per person - 70 euro)
Risk management compliance roadmap (per person - 120 euro)
Risk mindful organisation (per person - 125 euro)
IP consultancy
Consultancy (280 -400 euro per hour):
Specialist services entailing advice about protecting your technology and ideas using a variety of Intellectual Property (IP) rights such as:
design rights.
Advice about your patent strategy, licensing and transferring your IP, IP roadmaps, freedom to operate, and preparing for due diligence of your IP
Consultancy for managers (100 -120 euro per hour):
Change management via Gamification
A playful organisation
Awareness using Gamification
Consultancy for product owners (100-120 euro per hour):
Implementing gamification in a product UX wise
Become a community leader with Gamification
Trend setting with the use of gamification